LSU vs Houston (08/31/19)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
2019 LSU Volleyball
LSU vs Houston
(08/31/19 at)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
1   Samarah Hill   30  .200  14  7.5 
2   Anna Zwiebel   .000  0.0 
3   Meredyth Howard   .000  0.0 
4   Whitney Foreman   11  18  .500  15.0 
5   Raigen Cianciulli   .000  14  1.0 
7   Taylor Bannister   13  25  .360  14.5 
8   Emmaline Walters   .000  2.0 
10  Jill Bohnet   .000  10  1.0 
11  Anita Anwusi   18  .167  9.0 
17  Milan Stokes   .000  0.0 
18  Karli Rose   14  .143  36  7.0 
19  Sydney Mukes   13  .231  6.0 
  Totals  46  14  127  .252  39  63  20  63.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
12  42  .095  15-25   60% 
25  .200  10-16   62% 
13  29  .448  12-14   85% 
13  31  .323  9-15   60% 
          46-70   65% 
LSU   (3)  23  25  25  25     6-4  
Houston   (1)  25  16  13  15     6-9  

   Houston      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
1   Karsten, Claire   28  .036  7.0 
5   Meuth, Amanda   .000  0.0 
6   Wesley, Symone   .167  2.0 
7   Irvine, Abby   18  .167  31  5.0 
8   Karbo, Katie   -.111  14  2.0 
11  Tullos, Rachel   .000  4.0 
12  Duncan, Megan   13  .231  4.0 
14  Frederick, Torie   .000  0.0 
16  HAYWOOD, Kendall   .333  2.0 
17  Theut, Isabel   12  27  .222  12.0 
18  Thompson, Jillian   .000  2.0 
20  Napoleon, Kylie   .000  0.0 
24  Jackson, Abbie   13  44  -.091  10.0 
25  Berkland, Karly   .000  10  0.0 
  Totals  42  32  158  .063  36  10  53  50.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
15  43  .186  15-23   65% 
10  35  -.057  10-25   40% 
10  34  .088  11-24   45% 
46  .022  7-25   28% 
          43-97   44% 
    Site: (Fertitta Center)
Date: 08/31/19 Attend: Time: 0:41
Tie scores 
Lead changes 


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
2019 LSU Volleyball
LSU vs Houston
(08/31/19 at)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
1   Samarah Hill   30  .200  .200  15  .867  14  .800  7.5 
2   Anna Zwiebel   .000  11  .000  1.000  .000  0.0 
3   Meredyth Howard   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
4   Whitney Foreman   11  18  .500  .000  11  1.000  .000  15.0 
5   Raigen Cianciulli   .000  14  .071  11  .909  14  20  .952  1.0 
7   Taylor Bannister   13  25  .360  .000  1.000  .000  14.5 
8   Emmaline Walters   .000  .000  22  1.000  10  1.000  2.0 
10  Jill Bohnet   .000  .200  14  .929  10  1.000  1.0 
11  Anita Anwusi   18  .167  .000  .000  .000  9.0 
17  Milan Stokes   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
18  Karli Rose   14  .143  36  81  .444  22  .955  .000  7.0 
19  Sydney Mukes   13  .231  .000  .000  1.000  6.0 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  46  14  127  .252  39  129  .302  97  .948  63  20  55  .917  63.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
12  42  .095  15-25   60% 
25  .200  10-16   62% 
13  29  .448  12-14   85% 
13  31  .323  9-15   60% 
          46-70   65% 
LSU   (3)  23  25  25  25     6-4  
Houston   (1)  25  16  13  15     6-9  

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
1   Karsten, Claire   28  .036  .143  12  .917  33  1.000  7.0 
5   Meuth, Amanda   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
6   Wesley, Symone   .167  .000  .000  .000  2.0 
7   Irvine, Abby   18  .167  31  124  .250  11  .909  1.000  5.0 
8   Karbo, Katie   -.111  17  .235  15  .933  14  30  1.000  2.0 
11  Tullos, Rachel   .000  .000  .000  .000  4.0 
12  Duncan, Megan   13  .231  .000  .000  .000  4.0 
14  Frederick, Torie   .000  .000  1.000  .000  0.0 
16  HAYWOOD, Kendall   .333  .000  .000  .000  2.0 
17  Theut, Isabel   12  27  .222  .000  .667  .000  12.0 
18  Thompson, Jillian   .000  .000  1.000  .000  2.0 
20  Napoleon, Kylie   .000  .000  1.000  .500  0.0 
24  Jackson, Abbie   13  44  -.091  .000  12  .750  1.000  10.0 
25  Berkland, Karly   .000  .000  11  .818  10  13  .929  0.0 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  42  32  158  .063  36  159  .226  10  70  .857  53  87  .946  50.0 
Set  TA  Pct  Sideout  Pct 
15  43  .186  15-23   65% 
10  35  -.057  10-25   40% 
10  34  .088  11-24   45% 
46  .022  7-25   28% 
          43-97   44% 
    Site: (Fertitta Center)
Date: 08/31/19 Attend: Time: 0:41

Tie scores 
Lead changes 


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2019 LSU Volleyball
LSU vs Houston
(08/31/19 at)

1st Set

For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
1-0Point UH - (Irvine, Abby) Kill by Jackson, Abbie.
2-0Point UH - (Irvine, Abby) Attack error by Taylor Bannister (block by Tullos, Rachel).
3-0Point UH - (Irvine, Abby) Service ace (TEAM).
3-1Point LSU - (Irvine, Abby) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).so
3-2Point LSU - (Samarah Hill) Attack error by HAYWOOD, Kendall (block by Whitney Foreman).
3-3Point LSU - (Samarah Hill) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie.
3-4Point LSU - (Samarah Hill) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie.
4-4Point UH - (Samarah Hill) Kill by HAYWOOD, Kendall (from Irvine, Abby).so
4-5Point LSU - (Jackson, Abbie) Service
5-5Point UH - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Irvine, Abby (from Karbo, Katie).so
5-6Point LSU - (Karbo, Katie) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Karli Rose).so
For UH: Theut, Isabel.
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
For LSU: Meredyth Howard.
For LSU: Anna Zwiebel.
6-6Point UH - (Anna Zwiebel) Kill by HAYWOOD, Kendall (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Berkland, Karly.
7-6Point UH - (Berkland, Karly) Kill by Irvine, Abby (from Karbo, Katie).
8-6Point UH - (Berkland, Karly) Attack error by Sydney Mukes.
9-6Point UH - (Berkland, Karly) Attack error by Anita Anwusi.
For LSU: Anita Anwusi.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
10-6Point UH - (Berkland, Karly) Kill by Theut, Isabel (from Irvine, Abby).
10-7Point LSU - (Berkland, Karly) Attack error by Karsten, Claire (block by Anita Anwusi; Sydney Mukes).so
For LSU: Jill Bohnet.
11-7Point UH - (Jill Bohnet) Attack error by Anita
12-7Point UH - (Karsten, Claire) Kill by Theut, Isabel.
13-7Point UH - (Karsten, Claire) Kill by Theut, Isabel.
14-7Point UH - (Karsten, Claire) Service ace (TEAM).
14-8Point LSU - (Karsten, Claire) Attack error by Theut,
For LSU: Whitney Foreman.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
14-9Point LSU - (Raigen Cianciulli) Bad set by Jackson, Abbie.
14-10Point LSU - (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Karli Rose (from Taylor Bannister).
15-10Point UH - (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Theut, Isabel (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Tullos, Rachel.
15-11Point LSU - (Theut, Isabel) Service
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
For LSU: Karli Rose.
15-12Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie (block by Samarah Hill; Whitney Foreman).
16-12Point UH - (Karli Rose) Kill by Karsten, Claire (from Karbo, Katie).so
For UH: HAYWOOD, Kendall.
For LSU: Taylor Bannister.
16-13Point LSU - (Irvine, Abby) Kill by Samarah Hill (from Karli Rose).so
For UH: Meuth, Amanda.
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
16-14Point LSU - (Samarah Hill) Bad set by Irvine, Abby.
17-14Point UH - (Samarah Hill) Attack error by Whitney
17-15Point LSU - (Jackson, Abbie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Anita Anwusi.
18-15Point UH - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Karbo,
18-16Point LSU - (Karbo, Katie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
19-16Point UH - (Taylor Bannister) Attack error by Taylor
For UH: Berkland, Karly.
19-17Point LSU - (Berkland, Karly) Kill by Anita Anwusi (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Jill Bohnet.
20-17Point UH - (Jill Bohnet) Attack error by Karli
20-18Point LSU - (Karsten, Claire) Attack error by Theut,
For UH: Theut, Isabel.
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
For LSU: Whitney Foreman.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
21-18Point UH - (Raigen Cianciulli) Attack error by Karli
21-19Point LSU - (Theut, Isabel) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).so
22-19Point UH - (Karli Rose) Kill by Jackson, Abbie (from Irvine, Abby), block error by Taylor
For UH: Duncan, Megan.
22-20Point LSU - (Irvine, Abby) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
23-20Point UH - (Samarah Hill) Kill by Jackson, Abbie (from Irvine, Abby), block error by Whitney
23-21Point LSU - (Jackson, Abbie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Anita Anwusi.
24-21Point UH - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Duncan, Megan (from Irvine, Abby).so
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
Timeout LSU.
24-22Point LSU - (Karbo, Katie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Emmaline Walters.
24-23Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Kill by Karli Rose (from Samarah Hill), block error by Theut, Isabel.
Timeout Houston.
25-23Point UH - (Emmaline Walters) Kill by Duncan, Megan (from Irvine, Abby).so

2nd Set

For UH: Karbo, Katie.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
0-1Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie.
0-2Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Kill by Anita Anwusi (from Karli Rose).
1-2Point UH - (Karli Rose) Bad set by Karli
1-3Point LSU - (Jackson, Abbie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
2-3Point UH - (Samarah Hill) Service
For UH: Theut, Isabel.
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
3-3Point UH - (Karbo, Katie) Bad set by Karli Rose.
4-3Point UH - (Karbo, Katie) Kill by Jackson, Abbie (from Irvine, Abby).
For UH: Karsten, Claire.
4-4Point LSU - (Karbo, Katie) Attack error by Karsten,
For UH: Duncan, Megan.
4-5Point LSU - (Raigen Cianciulli) Service ace (TEAM).
5-5Point UH - (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Karsten, Claire (from Irvine, Abby), block error by Taylor
For UH: Berkland, Karly.
5-6Point LSU - (Berkland, Karly) Kill by Whitney
For LSU: Whitney Foreman.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
For LSU: Jill Bohnet.
6-6Point UH - (Jill Bohnet) Kill by Theut, Isabel (from Irvine, Abby).so
6-7Point LSU - (Karsten, Claire) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Emmaline Walters.
6-8Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie (block by Karli Rose; Whitney Foreman).
6-9Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Attack error by Theut, Isabel.
6-10Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Service ace (Berkland, Karly).
6-11Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Service ace (TEAM).
Timeout Houston.
6-12Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie (block by Karli Rose; Whitney Foreman).
6-13Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Attack error by Karbo, Katie.
7-13Point UH - (Emmaline Walters) Kill by Theut, Isabel (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Tullos, Rachel.
8-13Point UH - (Theut, Isabel) Attack error by Samarah Hill (block by Tullos, Rachel).
8-14Point LSU - (Theut, Isabel) Kill by Samarah Hill (from Karli Rose).so
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
8-15Point LSU - (Whitney Foreman) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie.
9-15Point UH - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Jackson, Abbie (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Duncan, Megan.
9-16Point LSU - (Irvine, Abby) Service
For LSU: Samarah Hill.
10-16Point UH - (Karli Rose) Service
10-17Point LSU - (Jackson, Abbie) Service
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
10-18Point LSU - (Samarah Hill) Attack error by Duncan, Megan (block by Sydney Mukes; Anita Anwusi).
Timeout Houston.
For LSU: Anita Anwusi.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
11-18Point UH - (Samarah Hill) Kill by Tullos, Rachel (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Theut, Isabel.
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
12-18Point UH - (Karbo, Katie) Service ace (Samarah Hill).
13-18Point UH - (Karbo, Katie) Kill by Duncan, Megan (from Irvine, Abby).
13-19Point LSU - (Karbo, Katie) Bad set by Irvine,
14-19Point UH - (Karli Rose) Attack error by Taylor
For UH: Berkland, Karly.
14-20Point LSU - (Berkland, Karly) Kill by Sydney
For LSU: Jill Bohnet.
14-21Point LSU - (Jill Bohnet) Attack error by Karsten, Claire.
14-22Point LSU - (Jill Bohnet) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).
For UH: Napoleon, Kylie.
For UH: Berkland, Karly.
15-22Point UH - (Jill Bohnet) Kill by Theut, Isabel (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Jackson, Abbie.
16-22Point UH - (Karsten, Claire) Attack error by Whitney Foreman.
16-23Point LSU - (Karsten, Claire) Service
For LSU: Emmaline Walters.
16-24Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie (block by Whitney Foreman; Karli Rose).
16-25Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).

3rd Set

For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
0-1Point LSU - (Irvine, Abby) Attack error by Karbo,
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
0-2Point LSU - (Samarah Hill) Attack error by Tullos, Rachel.
1-2Point UH - (Samarah Hill) Service
1-3Point LSU - (Jackson, Abbie) Service
1-4Point LSU - (Raigen Cianciulli) Attack error by Tullos, Rachel.
2-4Point UH - (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Tullos,
3-4Point UH - (Karbo, Katie) Kill by Karsten, Claire, block error by Karli Rose.
3-5Point LSU - (Karbo, Katie) Service
For LSU: Jill Bohnet.
4-5Point UH - (Jill Bohnet) Kill by Duncan, Megan (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Berkland, Karly.
4-6Point LSU - (Berkland, Karly) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Emmaline Walters.
4-7Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Attack error by Theut, Isabel.
For UH: Theut, Isabel.
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
4-8Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Kill by Whitney Foreman.
4-9Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie.
For LSU: Whitney Foreman.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
5-9Point UH - (Emmaline Walters) Kill by Karsten, Claire (from Irvine, Abby).so
5-10Point LSU - (Karsten, Claire) Kill by Samarah Hill (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Anita Anwusi.
6-10Point UH - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Jackson, Abbie (from Irvine, Abby).so
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
6-11Point LSU - (Theut, Isabel) Kill by Karli
For LSU: Taylor Bannister.
7-11Point UH - (Karli Rose) Kill by Jackson, Abbie (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Duncan, Megan.
7-12Point LSU - (Irvine, Abby) Kill by Samarah Hill (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
8-12Point UH - (Samarah Hill) Kill by Jackson, Abbie (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Napoleon, Kylie.
8-13Point LSU - (Napoleon, Kylie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Whitney Foreman.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
9-13Point UH - (Raigen Cianciulli) Service
10-13Point UH - (Karbo, Katie) Kill by Karsten, Claire (from Irvine, Abby).
10-14Point LSU - (Karbo, Katie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Jill Bohnet.
10-15Point LSU - (Jill Bohnet) Attack error by Karsten, Claire.
10-16Point LSU - (Jill Bohnet) Kill by Samarah Hill (from Karli Rose).
For UH: Wesley, Symone.
10-17Point LSU - (Jill Bohnet) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Jill Bohnet).
10-18Point LSU - (Jill Bohnet) Service ace (Napoleon, Kylie).
Timeout Houston.
11-18Point UH - (Jill Bohnet) Service
For UH: Berkland, Karly.
11-19Point LSU - (Berkland, Karly) Service
For LSU: Emmaline Walters.
11-20Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).
11-21Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Kill by Samarah Hill (from Jill Bohnet).
11-22Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).
11-23Point LSU - (Emmaline Walters) Attack error by Theut, Isabel (block by Whitney Foreman).
12-23Point UH - (Emmaline Walters) Kill by Wesley, Symone (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Jackson, Abbie.
For UH: Karsten, Claire.
12-24Point LSU - (Karsten, Claire) Kill by Karli
For LSU: Anita Anwusi.
13-24Point UH - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Theut, Isabel (from Irvine, Abby).so
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
For UH: Tullos, Rachel.
13-25Point LSU - (Theut, Isabel) Service

4th Set

==================== ==================== HOUSTON 1, LSU 3 ====================
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
0-1Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Attack error by Karsten, Claire.
0-2Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Bad set by Irvine, Abby.
0-3Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Attack error by Theut, Isabel.
0-4Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Raigen Cianciulli).
0-5Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie (block by Taylor Bannister; Anita Anwusi).
1-5Point UH - (Karli Rose) Kill by Irvine, Abby (from Karsten, Claire).so
For UH: Wesley, Symone.
2-5Point UH - (Jackson, Abbie) Service ace (Samarah Hill).
2-6Point LSU - (Jackson, Abbie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
3-6Point UH - (Samarah Hill) Kill by Theut, Isabel (from Karbo, Katie).so
3-7Point LSU - (Thompson, Jillian) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For UH: Tullos, Rachel.
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
4-7Point UH - (Raigen Cianciulli) Bad set by Sydney
For UH: Berkland, Karly.
4-8Point LSU - (Berkland, Karly) Service
For LSU: Jill Bohnet.
4-9Point LSU - (Jill Bohnet) Attack error by Wesley, Symone.
5-9Point UH - (Jill Bohnet) Kill by Wesley, Symone (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Karsten, Claire.
6-9Point UH - (Karsten, Claire) Attack error by Sydney Mukes.
6-10Point LSU - (Karsten, Claire) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Emmaline Walters.
7-10Point UH - (Emmaline Walters) Kill by Jackson, Abbie (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Thompson, Jillian.
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
For UH: Berkland, Karly.
8-10Point UH - (Karbo, Katie) Kill by Karsten, Claire (from Irvine, Abby).
8-11Point LSU - (Karbo, Katie) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Whitney Foreman.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
8-12Point LSU - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Anita Anwusi (from Karli Rose).
For LSU: Karli Rose.
8-13Point LSU - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Anita Anwusi (from Karli Rose).
8-14Point LSU - (Whitney Foreman) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie.
9-14Point UH - (Whitney Foreman) Attack error by Anita
For UH: Theut, Isabel.
10-14Point UH - (Irvine, Abby) Service ace (Raigen Cianciulli).
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
10-15Point LSU - (Irvine, Abby) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie (block by Karli Rose; Anita Anwusi).so
For LSU: Taylor Bannister.
10-16Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Attack error by Jackson, Abbie (block by Taylor Bannister; Anita Anwusi).
10-17Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Service ace (TEAM).
10-18Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).
10-19Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Kill by Anita Anwusi (from Karli Rose).
10-20Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Attack error by Thompson, Jillian (block by Taylor Bannister; Anita Anwusi).
10-21Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Bad set by Jackson, Abbie.
10-22Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).
11-22Point UH - (Karli Rose) Kill by Theut, Isabel (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Wesley, Symone.
12-22Point UH - (Jackson, Abbie) Kill by Theut, Isabel (from Irvine, Abby).
13-22Point UH - (Jackson, Abbie) Attack error by Taylor Bannister (block by Thompson, Jillian).
14-22Point UH - (Jackson, Abbie) Kill by Theut, Isabel (from Irvine, Abby).
14-23Point LSU - (Jackson, Abbie) Kill by Samarah Hill (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
15-23Point UH - (Samarah Hill) Kill by Thompson, Jillian (from Irvine, Abby).so
For UH: Frederick, Torie.
For UH: Tullos, Rachel.
15-24Point LSU - (Frederick, Torie) Kill by Anita Anwusi (from Karli Rose).so
For UH: Thompson, Jillian.
For UH: Karbo, Katie.
15-25Point LSU - (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).