UT Arlington vs LSU (08/30/19)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
2019 LSU Volleyball
UT Arlington vs LSU
(08/30/19 at)

   UT Arlington      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
3   Hill, Madison   12  .000 
4   Martinka, Devon   -.333 
5   Walp, Bre   .375 
7   Wells, Alli   .000 
9   St. Germain, Madelyn  .000 
11  Kapp, Kylee   -.333  16 
12  Townsend, Brooke   10  29  .069 
13  Fisher, Meredith   19  -.053 
14  Jedlicka, Kylie   17  -.059 
15  Davis, Chase   .500  11 
16  Dion, Danielle   .375 
  Totals  34  29  105  .048  31  36 
Set  TA  Pct 
12  34  -.147 
11  11  34  .000 
16  37  .270 
UT Arlington   (0)  19  21  23     0-1  
LSU   (3)  25  25  25     1-0  

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
1   Samarah Hill   17  .118 
4   Whitney Foreman   19  .421 
5   Raigen Cianciulli   .000 
7   Taylor Bannister   12  28  .250 
11  Anita Anwusi   .400 
15  Leigh Maher   .000 
18  Karli Rose   .167  22 
19  Sydney Mukes   .167 
  Totals  32  11  85  .247  28  10  28  28 
Set  TA  Pct 
22  .227 
10  28  .143 
14  35  .343 
    Site: (Fertitta Center)
Date: 08/30/19 Attend: Time: 1:26


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
2019 LSU Volleyball
UT Arlington vs LSU
(08/30/19 at)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
3   Hill, Madison   12  .000  .000  1.000  1.000 
4   Martinka, Devon   -.333  .000  .000  .000 
5   Walp, Bre   .375  .000  .000  .000 
7   Wells, Alli   .000  .000  1.000  10  1.000 
9   St. Germain, Madelyn  .000  .125  1.000  20  .909 
11  Kapp, Kylee   -.333  16  42  .381  11  .909  1.000 
12  Townsend, Brooke   10  29  .069  .333  10  .800  .857 
13  Fisher, Meredith   19  -.053  .000  .000  1.000 
14  Jedlicka, Kylie   17  -.059  .250  16  1.000  16  .941 
15  Davis, Chase   .500  11  35  .314  12  1.000  1.000 
16  Dion, Danielle   .375  .000  .000  .000 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000 
  Totals.........  34  29  105  .048  31  104  .298  65  .954  36  57  .905 
Set  TA  Pct 
12  34  -.147 
11  11  34  .000 
16  37  .270 
UT Arlington   (0)  19  21  23     0-1  
LSU   (3)  25  25  25     1-0  

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
1   Samarah Hill   17  .118  .333  13  .923  21  .955 
4   Whitney Foreman   19  .421  1.000  .875  1.000 
5   Raigen Cianciulli   .000  11  .091  12  .833  .889 
7   Taylor Bannister   12  28  .250  .250  14  .714  1.000 
11  Anita Anwusi   .400  .000  .000  1.000 
15  Leigh Maher   .000  1.000  12  1.000  1.000 
18  Karli Rose   .167  22  55  .400  14  .857  1.000 
19  Sydney Mukes   .167  .000  .000  1.000 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000 
  Totals.........  32  11  85  .247  28  84  .333  10  73  .863  28  28  55  .887 
Set  TA  Pct 
22  .227 
10  28  .143 
14  35  .343 
    Site: (Fertitta Center)
Date: 08/30/19 Attend: Time: 1:26


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2019 LSU Volleyball
UT Arlington vs LSU
(08/30/19 at)

1st Set

For UTA: Jedlicka, Kylie; Hill, Madison; Townsend, Brooke; Walp, Bre; Kapp, Kylee; Wells, Alli; libero Fisher, Meredith.
For LSU: Taylor Bannister; Raigen Cianciulli; Whitney Foreman; Leigh Maher; Samarah Hill; Anita Anwusi; libero Karli Rose.
1-0Point LSU - (Kapp, Kylee) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
1-1Point UTA - (Samarah Hill) Service error.so
2-1Point LSU - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
3-1Point LSU - (Raigen Cianciulli) Bad set by Kapp, Kylee.
4-1Point LSU - (Raigen Cianciulli) Attack error by Fisher, Meredith (block by Whitney Foreman; Sydney Mukes).
5-1Point LSU - (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).
5-2Point UTA - (Raigen Cianciulli) Service error.so
5-3Point UTA - (Hill, Madison) Attack error by Taylor Bannister (block by Walp, Bre; Townsend, Brooke).
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
6-3Point LSU - (Hill, Madison) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).so
For UTA: St. Germain, Madelyn.
7-3Point LSU - (Taylor Bannister) Attack error by Townsend, Brooke (block by Whitney Foreman; Karli Rose).
7-4Point UTA - (Taylor Bannister) Service error.so
For UTA: Davis, Chase.
For UTA: Martinka, Devon.
8-4Point LSU - (Davis, Chase) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Leigh Maher.
9-4Point LSU - (Leigh Maher) Attack error by Townsend, Brooke (block by Samarah Hill; Whitney Foreman).
9-5Point UTA - (Leigh Maher) Attack error by Whitney Foreman.so
9-6Point UTA - (Townsend, Brooke) Bad set by Karli Rose.
10-6Point LSU - (Townsend, Brooke) Bad set by Townsend, Brooke.so
10-7Point UTA - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Jedlicka, Kylie (from Davis, Chase).so
11-7Point LSU - (St. Germain, Madelyn) Kill by Samarah Hill (from Raigen Cianciulli).so
11-8Point UTA - (Karli Rose) Service error.so
For UTA: Kapp, Kylee.
11-9Point UTA - (Kapp, Kylee) Bad set by Taylor Bannister.
12-9Point LSU - (Samarah Hill) Attack error by Hill, Madison (block by Anita Anwusi; Sydney Mukes).
13-9Point LSU - (Samarah Hill) Service ace (TEAM).
13-10Point UTA - (Samarah Hill) Kill by Fisher, Meredith (from Kapp, Kylee).so
13-11Point UTA - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Service ace (TEAM).
14-11Point LSU - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Attack error by Townsend, Brooke (block by Leigh Maher; Sydney Mukes).so
14-12Point UTA - (Raigen Cianciulli) Attack error by 13.so
14-13Point UTA - (Taylor Bannister) Kill by Fisher, Meredith (from Kapp, Kylee).so
For UTA: Davis, Chase.
14-14Point UTA - (Davis, Chase) Kill by Townsend, Brooke (from St. Germain, Madelyn).
15-14Point LSU - (Davis, Chase) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
15-15Point UTA - (Leigh Maher) Kill by Davis, Chase (from Townsend, Brooke).so
15-16Point UTA - (Townsend, Brooke) Attack error by 12.
16-16Point LSU - (Whitney Foreman) Service ace (Jedlicka, Kylie).
For LSU: Anita Anwusi.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
17-16Point LSU - (Whitney Foreman) Attack error by Hill, Madison (block by Anita Anwusi; Karli Rose).
For LSU: Leigh Maher.
17-17Point UTA - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Jedlicka, Kylie (from Davis, Chase).so
17-18Point UTA - (St. Germain, Madelyn) Service ace (TEAM).
18-18Point LSU - (St. Germain, Madelyn) Attack error by Martinka, Devon.so
19-18Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Attack error by Hill, Madison.
For UTA: Hill, Madison.
For UTA: St. Germain, Madelyn.
19-19Point UTA - (Karli Rose) Service error.so
For UTA: Martinka, Devon.
For UTA: Fisher, Meredith.
For UTA: Kapp, Kylee.
20-19Point LSU - (Kapp, Kylee) Kill by Samarah Hill (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
20-20Point UTA - (Samarah Hill) Kill by Hill, Madison (from Kapp, Kylee).so
20-21Point UTA - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Service ace (TEAM).
20-22Point UTA - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Attack error by Taylor Bannister.
21-22Point LSU - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Attack error by Fisher, Meredith (block by Anita Anwusi; Sydney Mukes).so
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
22-22Point LSU - (Raigen Cianciulli) Attack error by Hill, Madison (block by Sydney Mukes; Taylor Bannister).

2nd Set

For UTA: St. Germain, Madelyn.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
1-0Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Attack error by Hill, Madison (block by Anita Anwusi).
1-1Point UTA - (Karli Rose) Kill by Townsend, Brooke (from Kapp, Kylee).so
2-1Point LSU - (Townsend, Brooke) Attack error by Jedlicka, Kylie (block by Anita Anwusi; Taylor Bannister).so
2-2Point UTA - (Samarah Hill) Kill by Fisher, Meredith (from Kapp, Kylee).so
2-3Point UTA - (Hill, Madison) Attack error by Taylor Bannister.
3-3Point LSU - (Hill, Madison) Attack error by Fisher, Meredith.so
For LSU: Whitney Foreman.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
4-3Point LSU - (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Raigen Cianciulli (from Anita Anwusi).
For UTA: Davis, Chase.
5-3Point LSU - (Davis, Chase) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
6-3Point LSU - (Taylor Bannister) Service ace (St. Germain, Madelyn).
6-4Point UTA - (Taylor Bannister) Kill by Dion, Danielle (from Davis, Chase).so
6-5Point UTA - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Service ace (TEAM).
6-6Point UTA - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Attack error by Taylor Bannister (block by Walp, Bre; Townsend, Brooke).
7-6Point LSU - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Kill by Samarah Hill (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
For LSU: Leigh Maher.
8-6Point LSU - (Leigh Maher) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).
For UTA: Dion, Danielle.
9-6Point LSU - (Leigh Maher) Attack error by Jedlicka, Kylie.
10-6Point LSU - (Leigh Maher) Service ace (TEAM).
Timeout UT Arlington.
For UTA: Walp, Bre.
For UTA: St. Germain, Madelyn.
For UTA: Townsend, Brooke.
11-6Point LSU - (Leigh Maher) Kill by 12 (from Leigh Maher).
12-6Point LSU - (St. Germain, Madelyn) Attack error by Jedlicka, Kylie.so
For UTA: Hill, Madison.
For LSU: Anita Anwusi.
12-7Point UTA - (Whitney Foreman) Service error.so
For UTA: Fisher, Meredith.
For UTA: St. Germain, Madelyn.
For UTA: Kapp, Kylee.
12-8Point UTA - (Karli Rose) Kill by Townsend, Brooke (from Kapp, Kylee).so
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
12-9Point UTA - (Townsend, Brooke) Kill by Kapp, Kylee.
12-10Point UTA - (Samarah Hill) Kill by Hill, Madison (from Kapp, Kylee).so
13-10Point LSU - (Hill, Madison) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For UTA: Walp, Bre.
13-11Point UTA - (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Fisher, Meredith (from Kapp, Kylee).so
For UTA: Davis, Chase.
For UTA: St. Germain, Madelyn.
For UTA: Dion, Danielle.
13-12Point UTA - (Davis, Chase) Attack error by Samarah Hill.
14-12Point LSU - (Davis, Chase) Attack error by Jedlicka, Kylie (block by Taylor Bannister).so
15-12Point LSU - (Taylor Bannister) Attack error by Jedlicka, Kylie.
15-13Point UTA - (Taylor Bannister) Service error.so
For UTA: Townsend, Brooke.
For LSU: Whitney Foreman.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
15-14Point UTA - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Attack error by Karli Rose (block by Townsend, Brooke).
16-14Point LSU - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Kill by Sydney Mukes (from Karli Rose).so
16-15Point UTA - (Leigh Maher) Kill by Townsend, Brooke (from Davis, Chase).so
16-16Point UTA - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Service ace (TEAM).
17-16Point LSU - (St. Germain, Madelyn) Kill by Karli Rose (from Whitney Foreman).so
17-17Point UTA - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Dion, Danielle (from Jedlicka, Kylie).so
For LSU: Karli Rose.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
For UTA: Kapp, Kylee.
17-18Point UTA - (Kapp, Kylee) Attack error by Anita Anwusi.
18-18Point LSU - (Kapp, Kylee) Attack error by Townsend, Brooke.so
19-18Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Attack error by Townsend, Brooke (block by Anita Anwusi; Samarah Hill).
19-19Point UTA - (Karli Rose) Bad set by Whitney Foreman.so
20-19Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).
For UTA: St. Germain, Madelyn.
Timeout UT Arlington.
For LSU: Anita Anwusi.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
20-20Point UTA - (Karli Rose) Kill by Fisher, Meredith (from Kapp, Kylee).so
For UTA: Fisher, Meredith.
For UTA: St. Germain, Madelyn.
For UTA: Hill, Madison.
21-20Point LSU - (Kapp, Kylee) Attack error by Wells, Alli.so
22-20Point LSU - (Townsend, Brooke) Kill by Anita Anwusi (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
23-20Point LSU - (Samarah Hill) Attack error by Fisher, Meredith (block by Sydney Mukes; Anita Anwusi).
24-20Point LSU - (Samarah Hill) Service ace (St. Germain, Madelyn).
25-20Point LSU - (Samarah Hill) Attack error by Jedlicka, Kylie.

3rd Set

For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
For UTA: Wells, Alli.
1-0Point LSU - (Kapp, Kylee) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
1-1Point UTA - (Samarah Hill) Kill by Townsend, Brooke (from Kapp, Kylee).so
1-2Point UTA - (Townsend, Brooke) Attack error by Sydney Mukes.
2-2Point LSU - (Townsend, Brooke) Service error.so
For LSU: Whitney Foreman.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
3-2Point LSU - (Raigen Cianciulli) Attack error by Fisher, Meredith (block by Sydney Mukes; Whitney Foreman).
3-3Point UTA - (Raigen Cianciulli) Service error.so
For UTA: Hill, Madison.
For UTA: Wells, Alli.
4-3Point LSU - (Wells, Alli) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).so
5-3Point LSU - (Taylor Bannister) Service ace (Townsend, Brooke).
6-3Point LSU - (Taylor Bannister) Attack error by Kapp, Kylee.
6-4Point UTA - (Taylor Bannister) Service error.so
For UTA: Dion, Danielle.
For UTA: Davis, Chase.
6-5Point UTA - (Davis, Chase) Kill by Jedlicka, Kylie (from Davis, Chase).
6-6Point UTA - (Davis, Chase) Attack error by Leigh Maher.
For LSU: Leigh Maher.
6-7Point UTA - (Leigh Maher) Kill by Dion, Danielle (from Davis, Chase).so
6-8Point UTA - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Kill by Wells, Alli (from Davis, Chase).
For LSU: Anita Anwusi.
6-9Point UTA - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Hill, Madison (from Davis, Chase).so
For UTA: Walp, Bre.
6-10Point UTA - (Hill, Madison) Service ace (Samarah Hill).
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
7-10Point LSU - (Hill, Madison) Kill by Samarah Hill (from Karli Rose).so
8-10Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Attack error by Townsend, Brooke.
For UTA: Wells, Alli.
8-11Point UTA - (Karli Rose) Kill by Townsend, Brooke (from Davis, Chase).so
For UTA: Kapp, Kylee.
For UTA: Fisher, Meredith.
9-11Point LSU - (Kapp, Kylee) Kill by Anita Anwusi (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
9-12Point UTA - (Samarah Hill) Kill by Townsend, Brooke (from Kapp, Kylee).so
9-13Point UTA - (Townsend, Brooke) Kill by Wells, Alli (from White, Gabby).
9-14Point UTA - (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Walp, Bre (from Kapp, Kylee).so
For LSU: Whitney Foreman.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
10-14Point LSU - (Wells, Alli) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).so
11-14Point LSU - (Taylor Bannister) Kill by Sydney Mukes.
11-15Point UTA - (Taylor Bannister) Service error.so
For UTA: Davis, Chase.
For UTA: Dion, Danielle.
12-15Point LSU - (Davis, Chase) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Samarah Hill).so
For UTA: Hill, Madison.
For UTA: Wells, Alli.
For LSU: Leigh Maher.
12-16Point UTA - (Leigh Maher) Kill by Dion, Danielle (from Davis, Chase).so
12-17Point UTA - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Attack error by Samarah Hill.
12-18Point UTA - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Service ace (Raigen Cianciulli).
Timeout LSU.
13-18Point LSU - (Jedlicka, Kylie) Kill by Whitney Foreman (from Karli Rose).so
For LSU: Anita Anwusi.
13-19Point UTA - (Whitney Foreman) Kill by Hill, Madison (from Davis, Chase).so
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
For UTA: Walp, Bre.
14-19Point LSU - (Hill, Madison) Kill by Taylor Bannister (from Karli Rose).so
For UTA: Wells, Alli.
15-19Point LSU - (Karli Rose) Attack error by Townsend, Brooke (block by Anita Anwusi; Taylor Bannister).
15-20Point UTA - (Karli Rose) Kill by Walp, Bre (from Townsend, Brooke).so
For UTA: Kapp, Kylee.
For UTA: Fisher, Meredith.
15-21Point UTA - (Kapp, Kylee) Kill by Fisher, Meredith (from Kapp, Kylee).
16-21Point LSU - (Kapp, Kylee) Service error.so
For LSU: Sydney Mukes.
16-22Point UTA - (Samarah Hill) Kill by Townsend, Brooke (from Kapp, Kylee).so
17-22Point LSU - (Townsend, Brooke) Service error.so
For LSU: Whitney Foreman.
For LSU: Raigen Cianciulli.
17-23Point UTA - (Raigen Cianciulli) Kill by Jedlicka, Kylie (from Kapp, Kylee).so
For UTA: Hill, Madison.
For UTA: Wells, Alli.
17-24Point UTA - (Wells, Alli) Attack error by 13.
18-24Point LSU - (Taylor Bannister) Kill by Karli Rose (from Taylor Bannister).
Timeout UT Arlington.
19-24Point LSU - (Taylor Bannister) Kill by 12 (from Anita Anwusi).
For UTA: Davis, Chase.
20-24Point LSU - (Davis, Chase) Kill by Meredyth Howard.so
For UTA: Dion, Danielle.
20-25Point UTA - (Davis, Chase) Kill by Jedlicka, Kylie (from Davis, Chase).
Timeout LSU.
20-26Point UTA - (Davis, Chase) Kill by Martinka, Devon (from White, Gabby).
For LSU: Leigh Maher.
21-26Point LSU - (Leigh Maher) Attack error by Dion, Danielle (block by Karli Rose; Whitney Foreman).
Timeout UT Arlington.