Cumulative Season Statistics

Overall Team Statistics

2007 LSU Volleyball LSU Overall Team Statistics (as of Nov 18, 2007) Conference matches Overall record: 15-5 Conf: 15-5 Home: 9-1 Away: 6-4 Neutral: 0-0 TEAM STATISTICS LSU OPP -------------------------------------------------------- ATTACK........................ Kills....................... 1239 1066 Errors...................... 538 564 Total Attacks............... 3352 3260 Attack Pct.................. .209 .154 Kills/Game.................. 15.7 13.5 SET........................... Assists..................... 1130 980 Attempts.................... 3230 3149 Assist Pct.................. .350 .311 Assists/Game................ 14.3 12.4 SERVE......................... Aces........................ 126 74 Errors...................... 218 146 Attempts.................... 2131 1991 Serve Pct................... .898 .927 Aces/Game................... 1.6 0.9 SERVE RECEPTIONS.............. Errors...................... 74 126 Errors/Game................. 0.9 1.6 Attempts.................... 1843 1911 Reception Pct............... .960 .934 DEFENSE....................... Digs........................ 1406 1386 Digs/Game................... 17.8 17.5 BLOCKING...................... Block Solo.................. 63 33 Block Assist................ 390 275 Total Blocks................ 258.0 170.5 Blocks Per Game............. 3.3 2.2 Block Errors................ 41 38 Ball handling errors.......... 56 52 ATTENDANCE.................... Total....................... 9364 7858 Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 10/936 10/786 Neutral site #/Avg.......... 0/0 Current win streak.......... 6 - Home win streak............. 8 - MATCH WINS BY #GAMES 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- LSU................. 0 0 7 4 4 - 15 Opponents........... 0 0 1 1 3 - 5 GAMES WON BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- LSU................. 13 15 12 8 4 - 52 Opponents........... 7 5 8 4 3 - 27 POINTS BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- LSU................. 563 565 576 349 94 - 2147 Opponents........... 511 509 545 324 85 - 1974

Overall Individual Statistics

2007 LSU Volleyball LSU Overall Individual Statistics (as of Nov 18, 2007) Conference matches Overall record: 15-5 Conf: 15-5 Home: 9-1 Away: 6-4 Neutral: 0-0 |-----------ATTACK---------| |---------SET---------| |----------SERVE-----------| ## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game TA Pct SA SA/Gm SE TA Pct ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Lauren DeGirolamo 78 20-20 267 3.42 71 622 .315 4 0.05 32 .125 8 0.10 16 284 .944 2 Brittney Johnson 48 15-7 37 0.77 12 91 .275 368 7.67 870 .423 4 0.08 13 106 .877 25 Brittnee Cooper 79 20-20 214 2.71 84 504 .258 3 0.04 20 .150 0 0.00 1 3 .667 19 Tania Schatow 7 3-0 5 0.71 2 14 .214 1 0.14 2 .500 0 0.00 1 5 .800 12 Marina Skender 79 20-20 237 3.00 98 749 .186 25 0.32 171 .146 27 0.34 33 353 .907 11 Elena Martinez 79 20-0 16 0.20 7 49 .184 66 0.84 374 .176 21 0.27 58 343 .831 5 Angela Bensend 79 20-18 139 1.76 77 375 .165 5 0.06 26 .192 0 0.00 2 12 .833 3 Maggie Lonergan 55 19-13 9 0.16 5 27 .148 619 11.25 1517 .408 13 0.24 25 227 .890 7 Kyna Washington 79 20-20 313 3.96 181 914 .144 10 0.13 85 .118 40 0.51 43 420 .898 13 Michelle Hensgens 79 20-2 2 0.03 1 7 .143 29 0.37 129 .225 13 0.16 25 377 .934 9 Haley Reuther 12 8-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 4 .000 0 0.00 1 1 .000 LSU................. 79 20-20 1239 15.68 538 3352 .209 1130 14.30 3230 .350 126 1.59 218 2131 .898 Opponents........... 79 20-20 1066 13.49 564 3260 .154 980 12.41 3149 .311 74 0.94 146 1991 .927 |----RECEPT----| |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------| ## Name G RE TA Pct DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS Pts/Gm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 Lauren DeGirolamo 78 1 10 .900 42 0.54 28 96 124 1.59 9 0 351.0 4.50 2 Brittney Johnson 48 0 0 .000 61 1.27 2 32 34 0.71 3 29 59.0 1.23 25 Brittnee Cooper 79 0 16 1.000 14 0.18 19 94 113 1.43 11 2 280.0 3.54 19 Tania Schatow 7 0 1 1.000 0 0.00 1 3 4 0.57 2 0 7.5 1.07 12 Marina Skender 79 14 626 .978 269 3.41 3 52 55 0.70 5 2 293.0 3.71 11 Elena Martinez 79 31 880 .965 451 5.71 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 37.0 0.47 5 Angela Bensend 79 1 25 .960 36 0.46 4 51 55 0.70 3 0 168.5 2.13 3 Maggie Lonergan 55 0 0 .000 110 2.00 0 21 21 0.38 3 18 32.5 0.59 7 Kyna Washington 79 4 61 .934 241 3.05 6 41 47 0.59 5 5 379.5 4.80 13 Michelle Hensgens 79 12 202 .941 179 2.27 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 15.0 0.19 9 Haley Reuther 12 0 5 1.000 3 0.25 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00 TEAM 11 LSU................. 79 74 1843 .960 1406 17.80 63 390 258.0 3.27 41 56 1623.0 20.54 Opponents........... 79 126 1911 .934 1386 17.54 33 275 170.5 2.16 38 52 1310.5 16.59

Category Leaders

2007 LSU Volleyball LSU Category Leaders (as of Nov 18, 2007) Conference matches ## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct -------------------------------------------------------- 4 Lauren DeGirolamo 78 267 3.42 71 622 .315 2 Brittney Johnson 48 37 0.77 12 91 .275 25 Brittnee Cooper 79 214 2.71 84 504 .258 19 Tania Schatow 7 5 0.71 2 14 .214 12 Marina Skender 79 237 3.00 98 749 .186 11 Elena Martinez 79 16 0.20 7 49 .184 5 Angela Bensend 79 139 1.76 77 375 .165 3 Maggie Lonergan 55 9 0.16 5 27 .148 7 Kyna Washington 79 313 3.96 181 914 .144 13 Michelle Hensgens 79 2 0.03 1 7 .143 LSU................. 79 1239 15.68 538 3352 .209 Opponents........... 79 1066 13.49 564 3260 .154 ## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game TA Pct --------------------------------------------------- 3 Maggie Lonergan 55 619 11.25 1517 .408 2 Brittney Johnson 48 368 7.67 870 .423 11 Elena Martinez 79 66 0.84 374 .176 13 Michelle Hensgens 79 29 0.37 129 .225 12 Marina Skender 79 25 0.32 171 .146 19 Tania Schatow 7 1 0.14 2 .500 7 Kyna Washington 79 10 0.13 85 .118 5 Angela Bensend 79 5 0.06 26 .192 4 Lauren DeGirolamo 78 4 0.05 32 .125 25 Brittnee Cooper 79 3 0.04 20 .150 9 Haley Reuther 12 0 0.00 4 .000 LSU................. 79 1130 14.30 3230 .350 Opponents........... 79 980 12.41 3149 .311 ## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE ------------------------------------------------------- 4 Lauren DeGirolamo 78 28 96 124.0 1.59 9 25 Brittnee Cooper 79 19 94 113.0 1.43 11 2 Brittney Johnson 48 2 32 34.0 0.71 3 12 Marina Skender 79 3 52 55.0 0.70 5 5 Angela Bensend 79 4 51 55.0 0.70 3 7 Kyna Washington 79 6 41 47.0 0.59 5 19 Tania Schatow 7 1 3 4.0 0.57 2 3 Maggie Lonergan 55 0 21 21.0 0.38 3 13 Michelle Hensgens 79 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 LSU................. 79 63 390 258.0 3.27 41 Opponents........... 79 33 275 170.5 2.16 38 ## POINTS (by Points) G Points Pts/G ------------------------------------------ 7 Kyna Washington 79 379.5 4.80 4 Lauren DeGirolamo 78 351.0 4.50 12 Marina Skender 79 293.0 3.71 25 Brittnee Cooper 79 280.0 3.54 5 Angela Bensend 79 168.5 2.13 2 Brittney Johnson 48 59.0 1.23 11 Elena Martinez 79 37.0 0.47 3 Maggie Lonergan 55 32.5 0.59 13 Michelle Hensgens 79 15.0 0.19 19 Tania Schatow 7 7.5 1.07 LSU................. 79 1623.0 20.54 Opponents........... 79 1310.5 16.59 ## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game ---------------------------------------- 7 Kyna Washington 79 313 3.96 4 Lauren DeGirolamo 78 267 3.42 12 Marina Skender 79 237 3.00 25 Brittnee Cooper 79 214 2.71 5 Angela Bensend 79 139 1.76 2 Brittney Johnson 48 37 0.77 19 Tania Schatow 7 5 0.71 11 Elena Martinez 79 16 0.20 3 Maggie Lonergan 55 9 0.16 13 Michelle Hensgens 79 2 0.03 LSU................. 79 1239 15.68 Opponents........... 79 1066 13.49 ## SERVE (by SA) G SA SE TA Pct SA/G -------------------------------------------------------- 7 Kyna Washington 79 40 43 420 .898 0.51 12 Marina Skender 79 27 33 353 .907 0.34 11 Elena Martinez 79 21 58 343 .831 0.27 3 Maggie Lonergan 55 13 25 227 .890 0.24 13 Michelle Hensgens 79 13 25 377 .934 0.16 4 Lauren DeGirolamo 78 8 16 284 .944 0.10 2 Brittney Johnson 48 4 13 106 .877 0.08 9 Haley Reuther 12 0 1 1 .000 0.00 5 Angela Bensend 79 0 2 12 .833 0.00 25 Brittnee Cooper 79 0 1 3 .667 0.00 19 Tania Schatow 7 0 1 5 .800 0.00 LSU................. 79 126 218 2131 .898 1.59 Opponents........... 79 74 146 1991 .927 0.94 ## DEFENSE (by Dig/Gm) G DIG Dig/G BHE -------------------------------------------- 11 Elena Martinez 79 451 5.71 0 12 Marina Skender 79 269 3.41 2 7 Kyna Washington 79 241 3.05 5 13 Michelle Hensgens 79 179 2.27 0 3 Maggie Lonergan 55 110 2.00 18 2 Brittney Johnson 48 61 1.27 29 4 Lauren DeGirolamo 78 42 0.54 0 5 Angela Bensend 79 36 0.46 0 9 Haley Reuther 12 3 0.25 0 25 Brittnee Cooper 79 14 0.18 2 19 Tania Schatow 7 0 0.00 0 LSU................. 79 1406 17.80 56 Opponents........... 79 1386 17.54 52 ## RECEPT (by TA) G RE RE/Gm TA Pct --------------------------------------------------- 11 Elena Martinez 79 31 0.39 880 .965 12 Marina Skender 79 14 0.18 626 .978 13 Michelle Hensgens 79 12 0.15 202 .941 7 Kyna Washington 79 4 0.05 61 .934 5 Angela Bensend 79 1 0.01 25 .960 TM TEAM 79 11 0.14 17 .353 25 Brittnee Cooper 79 0 0.00 16 1.000 4 Lauren DeGirolamo 78 1 0.01 10 .900 9 Haley Reuther 12 0 0.00 5 1.000 19 Tania Schatow 7 0 0.00 1 1.000 LSU................. 79 74 0.94 1843 .960 Opponents........... 79 126 1.59 1911 .934

Overall/Conference Stats

2007 LSU Volleyball LSU Overall/Conference Stats (as of Nov 18, 2007) Conference matches Overall record: 15-5 Conf: 15-5 Home: 9-1 Away: 6-4 Neutral: 0-0 OVERALL CONFERENCE |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| ## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Pts/Gm G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Pts/Gm ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 4 Lauren DeGirolamo... 118 402 3.41 98 920 .330 8 0.07 4.39 78 267 3.42 71 622 .315 4 0.05 4.50 2 Brittney Johnson.... 64 41 0.64 13 104 .269 435 6.80 1.09 48 37 0.77 12 91 .275 368 7.67 1.23 25 Brittnee Cooper..... 115 309 2.69 120 707 .267 7 0.06 3.54 79 214 2.71 84 504 .258 3 0.04 3.54 3 Maggie Lonergan..... 89 20 0.22 9 55 .200 1014 11.39 0.65 55 9 0.16 5 27 .148 619 11.25 0.58 12 Marina Skender...... 119 329 2.76 130 1018 .195 40 0.34 3.55 79 237 3.00 98 749 .186 25 0.32 3.71 7 Kyna Washington..... 118 466 3.95 242 1352 .166 15 0.13 4.81 79 313 3.96 181 914 .144 10 0.13 4.80 5 Angela Bensend...... 114 223 1.96 131 613 .150 6 0.05 2.34 79 139 1.76 77 375 .165 5 0.06 2.13 11 Elena Martinez...... 119 24 0.20 12 83 .145 93 0.78 0.50 79 16 0.20 7 49 .184 66 0.84 0.47 13 Michelle Hensgens... 119 3 0.03 3 11 .000 36 0.30 0.21 79 2 0.03 1 7 .143 29 0.37 0.19 28 Shannon Balikowsky.. 1 0 0.00 0 1 .000 0 0.00 0.00 - 9 Haley Reuther....... 24 1 0.04 1 7 .000 1 0.04 0.08 12 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.00 19 Tania Schatow....... 16 11 0.69 13 45 -.044 2 0.12 1.12 7 5 0.71 2 14 .214 1 0.14 1.00 LSU................. 119 1829 15.37 772 4916 .215 1657 13.92 20.32 79 1239 15.68 538 3352 .209 1130 14.30 20.54 Opponents........... 119 1555 13.07 844 4777 .149 1426 11.98 16.06 79 1066 13.49 564 3260 .154 980 12.41 16.58 |---SERVE---| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |---SERVE---| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| Name SA SA/Gm SE RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm SE RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- Lauren DeGirolamo... 10 0.08 27 2 76 0.64 35 142 177 1.50 8 0.10 16 1 42 0.54 28 96 124 1.59 Brittney Johnson.... 8 0.12 20 0 75 1.17 3 37 40 0.62 4 0.08 13 0 61 1.27 2 32 34 0.71 Brittnee Cooper..... 0 0.00 1 0 19 0.17 29 139 168 1.46 0 0.00 1 0 14 0.18 19 94 113 1.43 Maggie Lonergan..... 21 0.24 39 0 176 1.98 0 35 35 0.39 13 0.24 25 0 110 2.00 0 21 21 0.38 Marina Skender...... 48 0.40 65 25 387 3.25 5 83 88 0.74 27 0.34 33 14 269 3.41 3 52 55 0.70 Kyna Washington..... 65 0.55 69 11 326 2.76 8 58 66 0.56 40 0.51 43 4 241 3.05 6 41 47 0.59 Angela Bensend...... 4 0.04 18 1 65 0.57 5 70 75 0.66 0 0.00 2 1 36 0.46 4 51 55 0.70 Elena Martinez...... 36 0.30 85 44 680 5.71 0 0 0 0.00 21 0.27 58 31 451 5.71 0 0 0 0.00 Michelle Hensgens... 22 0.18 31 17 238 2.00 0 0 0 0.00 13 0.16 25 12 179 2.27 0 0 0 0.00 Shannon Balikowsky.. 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 - Haley Reuther....... 0 0.00 1 0 11 0.46 0 3 3 0.12 0 0.00 1 0 3 0.25 0 0 0 0.00 Tania Schatow....... 0 0.00 1 0 1 0.06 1 12 13 0.81 0 0.00 1 0 0 0.00 1 3 4 0.57 TEAM................ 15 11 LSU................. 214 1.80 357 115 2054 17.26 86 579 375.5 3.16 126 1.59 218 74 1406 17.80 63 390 258.0 3.27 Opponents........... 115 0.97 230 214 2028 17.04 49 384 241.0 2.03 74 0.94 146 126 1386 17.54 33 275 170.5 2.16