Single-Game Records

Individual Game Records
Team Game Records


Most points
Field goals made
Field goals attempted
Field goal percentage
3-point field goals made
3-point field goals attempted
3-point FG percentage
Free throws made
Free throws attempted
Free throw percentage
Most rebounds
Most assists
Most steals
Most blocked shots

Most points
  1. 38, Thornton, Marcus; at Auburn; 01-30-08
  2. 27, DAVIS, Glen; at Mississippi State; 02-03-07
     27, Thornton, Marcus; Auburn; 01/16/08
     27, Thornton, Marcus; at Vanderbilt; 1/19/08
     27, Thornton, Marcus; Southeastern Louisiana; 11/12/07
  6. 26, DAVIS, Glen; at Ole Miss; 02/14/07
     26, DAVIS, Glen; Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06
     26, DAVIS, Glen; Wright State; 12/27/06
  9. 25, DAVIS, Glen; vs Tennessee; 03/08/07
     25, Thornton, Marcus; at Ole Miss; 01-12-08

Field goals made
  1. 14, Thornton, Marcus; at Auburn; 01-30-08
  2. 10, DAVIS, Glen; at Mississippi State; 02-03-07
     10, DAVIS, Glen; at Ole Miss; 02/14/07
     10, DAVIS, Glen; Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06
     10, DAVIS, Glen; Wright State; 12/27/06
     10, LAZARE, Darnell; at Ole Miss; 02/14/07
     10, MITCHELL, Tasmin; at Auburn; 02-28-07
     10, Randolph, Anthony; at University of Florid; 02/13/08
     10, Randolph, Anthony; Southern University; 11/30/07
     10, Thornton, Marcus; at Vanderbilt; 1/19/08

Field goals attempted
  1. 23, Thornton, Marcus; at Auburn; 01-30-08
  2. 21, Thornton, Marcus; at Vanderbilt; 1/19/08
  3. 20, DAVIS, Glen; vs Texas; 12/10/06
     20, MITCHELL, Tasmin; Vanderbilt; 01/24/07
     20, MITCHELL, Tasmin; at Auburn; 02-28-07
     20, Thornton, Marcus; at Ole Miss; 01-12-08
     20, Thornton, Marcus; Auburn; 01/16/08
     20, Thornton, Marcus; Arkansas; 01/26/08
  9. 19, Thornton, Marcus; at University of Alabama; 02/02/08
     19, Thornton, Marcus; vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07

Field goal percentage (8 made)
  1. .889, Johnson, Chris; vs OKLAHOMA STATE; 11-19-07 (8-9)
  2. .800, LAZARE, Darnell; Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06 (8-10)
  3. .769, DAVIS, Glen; at Ole Miss; 02/14/07 (10-13)
     .769, DAVIS, Glen; Wright State; 12/27/06 (10-13)
  5. .750, Johnson, Chris; Washington; 12/29/07 (9-12)
  6. .727, Johnson, Chris; at University of Florid; 02/13/08 (8-11)
     .727, Thornton, Marcus; at University of Florid; 02/13/08 (8-11)
  8. .714, LAZARE, Darnell; at Ole Miss; 02/14/07 (10-14)
     .714, Randolph, Anthony; Southern University; 11/30/07 (10-14)
 10. .667, DAVIS, Glen; Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06 (10-15)

3-point field goals made
  1. 8, Thornton, Marcus; at Auburn; 01-30-08
  2. 6, Thornton, Marcus; Auburn; 01/16/08
     6, Thornton, Marcus; Oregon State; 12/22/07
  4. 5, MARTIN, Terry; Auburn; 01/13/07
     5, MARTIN, Terry; Louisiana Tech; 12/23/06
     5, MITCHELL, Tasmin; Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06
  7. 4, MARTIN, Terry; Ole Miss; 01/17/07
     4, MARTIN, Terry; at Georgia Bulldogs; 01/28/07
     4, MARTIN, Terry; Wright State; 12/27/06
     4, Martin, Terry; at Tulane; 01/02/08
     4, Martin, Terry; at Villanova; 12/06/07
     4, Spencer, Bo; vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07
     4, TEMPLE, Garrett; Nicholls State; 11/17/06
     4, TEMPLE, Garrett; vs Texas; 12/10/06
     4, Temple, Garrett; at Ole Miss; 01-12-08
     4, Thornton, Marcus; at Ole Miss; 01-12-08
     4, Thornton, Marcus; Arkansas; 01/26/08
     4, Thornton, Marcus; at University of Alabama; 02/02/08
     4, Thornton, Marcus; at University of Florid; 02/13/08
     4, Thornton, Marcus; vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07
     4, Thornton, Marcus; Southeastern Louisiana; 11/12/07
     4, Thornton, Marcus; Nicholls State; 11/28/07
     4, Thornton, Marcus; Southern University; 11/30/07
     4, Thornton, Marcus; Northwestern State; 12/15/07

3-point field goals attempted
  1. 16, Thornton, Marcus; Auburn; 01/16/08
  2. 15, Thornton, Marcus; at Auburn; 01-30-08
  3. 12, Thornton, Marcus; vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07
  4. 11, Martin, Terry; Oregon State; 12/22/07
     11, Thornton, Marcus; at University of Alabama; 02/02/08
  6. 10, TEMPLE, Garrett; vs Texas; 12/10/06
     10, Thornton, Marcus; at Ole Miss; 01-12-08
     10, Thornton, Marcus; Ole Miss; 02/23/08
     10, Thornton, Marcus; Northwestern State; 12/15/07
     10, Thornton, Marcus; Oregon State; 12/22/07

3-point FG percentage (6 made)
  1. .600, Thornton, Marcus; Oregon State; 12/22/07 (6-10)
  2. .533, Thornton, Marcus; at Auburn; 01-30-08 (8-15)
  3. .375, Thornton, Marcus; Auburn; 01/16/08 (6-16)

Free throws made
  1. 15, DAVIS, Glen; Louisiana Tech; 12/23/06
  2. 13, DAVIS, Glen; vs Tennessee; 03/08/07
  3. 9, DAVIS, Glen; McNeese State; 11/29/06
  4. 8, DAVIS, Glen; Mississippi State; 02/17/07
     8, LAZARE, Darnell; Nicholls State; 11/17/06
     8, Mitchell, Tasmin; McNeese State; 11/14/07
     8, Randolph, Anthony; Oregon State; 12/22/07
     8, TEMPLE, Garrett; Florida; 02/24/07
     8, Temple, Garrett; Auburn; 01/16/08
 10. 7, DAVIS, Glen; Arkansas; 02/10/07
     7, DAVIS, Glen; Nicholls State; 11/17/06
     7, MITCHELL, Tasmin; at Tennessee; 02/06/07
     7, MITCHELL, Tasmin; South Carolina; 03/03/07
     7, Randolph, Anthony; Northwestern State; 12/15/07
     7, Thornton, Marcus; Southeastern Louisiana; 11/12/07

Free throws attempted
  1. 18, DAVIS, Glen; Louisiana Tech; 12/23/06
  2. 17, DAVIS, Glen; vs Tennessee; 03/08/07
  3. 12, Randolph, Anthony; Oregon State; 12/22/07
  4. 11, DAVIS, Glen; Mississippi State; 02/17/07
     11, DAVIS, Glen; McNeese State; 11/29/06
  6. 10, Mitchell, Tasmin; McNeese State; 11/14/07
     10, Randolph, Anthony; Northwestern State; 12/15/07
  8. 9, DAVIS, Glen; Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06
     9, DAVIS, Glen; at Tulane; 12-02-06
     9, DAVIS, Glen; Texas A&M; 12/05/06
     9, DAVIS, Glen; vs Texas; 12/10/06
     9, LAZARE, Darnell; Nicholls State; 11/17/06
     9, MITCHELL, Tasmin; at Tennessee; 02/06/07
     9, TEMPLE, Garrett; Florida; 02/24/07
     9, Temple, Garrett; Auburn; 01/16/08
     9, Thornton, Marcus; Southeastern Louisiana; 11/12/07

Free throw percentage (6 made)
  1. 1.000, Johnson, Chris; at University of Alabama; 02/02/08 (6-6)
     1.000, Johnson, Chris; Nicholls State; 11/28/07 (6-6)
     1.000, Johnson, Chris; Southern University; 11/30/07 (6-6)
     1.000, MITCHELL, Tasmin; South Carolina; 03/03/07 (7-7)
     1.000, Randolph, Anthony; at Vanderbilt; 1/19/08 (6-6)
     1.000, Randolph, Anthony; Washington; 12/29/07 (6-6)
     1.000, Temple, Garrett; vs OKLAHOMA STATE; 11-19-07 (6-6)
     1.000, Temple, Garrett; vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07 (6-6)
     1.000, Thornton, Marcus; Mississippi State; 01/09/08 (6-6)
     1.000, Thornton, Marcus; vs OKLAHOMA STATE; 11-19-07 (6-6)
     1.000, Thornton, Marcus; at Wichita St.; 12-19-07 (6-6)

Most rebounds
  1. 19, Randolph, Anthony; at Vanderbilt; 1/19/08
  2. 18, DAVIS, Glen; Arkansas; 02/10/07
  3. 17, DAVIS, Glen; at University of Alabama; 01/09/07
  4. 15, DAVIS, Glen; vs Tennessee; 03/08/07
     15, Johnson, Chris; Ole Miss; 02/23/08
  6. 14, DAVIS, Glen; at Georgia Bulldogs; 01/28/07
     14, DAVIS, Glen; Louisiana Tech; 12/23/06
     14, Mitchell, Tasmin; McNeese State; 11/14/07
     14, Randolph, Anthony; Kentucky; 02/16/08
 10. 13, DAVIS, Glen; at Tennessee; 02/06/07
     13, DAVIS, Glen; Wichita State; 11/25/06
     13, DAVIS, Glen; at Tulane; 12-02-06
     13, DAVIS, Glen; at Oregon State; 12/17/06
     13, DAVIS, Glen; Mississippi Valley State; 12/28/06
     13, Randolph, Anthony; Southeastern Louisiana; 11/12/07
     13, Thornton, Marcus; at Villanova; 12/06/07

Most assists
  1. 7, Mason, Dameon; Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06
     7, TEMPLE, Garrett; Auburn; 01/13/07
     7, TEMPLE, Garrett; Ole Miss; 01/17/07
     7, TEMPLE, Garrett; at Tennessee; 02/06/07
     7, TEMPLE, Garrett; at Kentucky; 02/20/07
     7, TEMPLE, Garrett; Mississippi Valley State; 12/28/06
     7, TEMPLE, Garrett; Samford; 12/29/06
     7, Temple, Garrett; at Auburn; 01-30-08
     7, Temple, Garrett; vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07
 10. 6, DAVIS, Glen; at Georgia Bulldogs; 01/28/07
     6, DAVIS, Glen; Alabama; 01/31/07
     6, Farrer, Alex; at University of Florid; 02/13/08
     6, MINOR, Tack; Nicholls State; 11/17/06
     6, MITCHELL, Tasmin; vs Texas; 12/10/06
     6, Martin, Terry; Oregon State; 12/22/07
     6, Spencer, Bo; Southern University; 11/30/07
     6, TEMPLE, Garrett; Alabama; 01/31/07
     6, TEMPLE, Garrett; at Ole Miss; 02/14/07
     6, TEMPLE, Garrett; Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06
     6, TEMPLE, Garrett; at Tulane; 12-02-06
     6, Temple, Garrett; at Arkansas; 02-20-08
     6, Temple, Garrett; at Villanova; 12/06/07
     6, VOOGD, Ben; McNeese State; 11/29/06

Most steals
  1. 4, Farrer, Alex; Tennessee; 02/09/08
     4, MINOR, Tack; vs Texas; 12/10/06
     4, MITCHELL, Tasmin; vs Tennessee; 03/08/07
     4, MITCHELL, Tasmin; vs Texas; 12/10/06
     4, Mitchell, Tasmin; McNeese State; 11/14/07
     4, Randolph, Anthony; Kentucky; 02/16/08
     4, Randolph, Anthony; Southeastern Louisiana; 11/12/07
     4, Randolph, Anthony; at Wichita St.; 12-19-07
     4, TEMPLE, Garrett; at Kentucky; 02/20/07
     4, Thornton, Marcus; at University of Florid; 02/13/08
     4, Thornton, Marcus; Southern University; 11/30/07

Most blocked shots
  1. 6, Johnson, Chris; McNeese State; 11/14/07
     6, Randolph, Anthony; Southeastern Louisiana; 11/12/07
  3. 5, Johnson, Chris; Ole Miss; 02/23/08
     5, Randolph, Anthony; Southern University; 11/30/07
     5, TEMPLE, Garrett; vs Tennessee; 03/08/07
  6. 4, Johnson, Chris; Tennessee; 02/09/08
     4, Johnson, Chris; at University of Florid; 02/13/08
     4, ROLLE, Magnum; Connecticut; 01/06/07
     4, Randolph, Anthony; Arkansas; 01/26/08
     4, Randolph, Anthony; at Arkansas; 02-20-08
     4, Randolph, Anthony; Ole Miss; 02/23/08
     4, Randolph, Anthony; at Villanova; 12/06/07
     4, Randolph, Anthony; Northwestern State; 12/15/07
     4, TEMPLE, Garrett; Auburn; 01/13/07


Most points
Field goals made
Field goals attempted
Field goal percentage
3-point field goals made
3-point field goals attempted
3-point FG percentage
Free throws made
Free throws attempted
Free throw percentage
Most rebounds
Most assists
Most steals
Most blocked shots

Most points
  1. 96, Nicholls State; 11/17/06
  2. 92, Mississippi Valley State; 12/28/06
  3. 91, McNeese State; 11/29/06
  4. 88, Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06
     88, Southern University; 11/30/07
  6. 85, at University of Florid; 02/13/08
  7. 84, vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07
  8. 82, Northwestern State; 12/15/07
  9. 81, at Auburn; 01-30-08
 10. 78, at Mississippi State; 02-03-07
     78, vs CHAMINADE; 11-20-07
     78, McNeese State; 11/14/07

Field goals made
  1. 36, Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06
  2. 35, Southern University; 11/30/07
     35, Mississippi Valley State; 12/28/06
  4. 33, at University of Florid; 02/13/08
  5. 32, vs CHAMINADE; 11-20-07
     32, McNeese State; 11/29/06
  7. 31, at Auburn; 01-30-08
     31, at Mississippi State; 02-03-07
     31, Nicholls State; 11/17/06
 10. 29, Alabama; 01/31/07
     29, vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07
     29, at Washington; 12/20/06

Field goals attempted
  1. 76, vs Texas; 12/10/06
  2. 70, at University of Alabama; 01/09/07
  3. 69, Arkansas; 01/26/08
  4. 68, vs CHAMINADE; 11-20-07
  5. 67, at Washington; 12/20/06
  6. 66, Mississippi State; 01/09/08
  7. 65, Southern University; 11/30/07
  8. 63, at Kentucky; 02/20/07
     63, Ole Miss; 02/23/08
 10. 62, at Texas A&M; 01/05/08
     62, Vanderbilt; 01/24/07
     62, Kentucky; 02/16/08
     62, vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07
     62, at Tulane; 12-02-06
     62, Mississippi Valley State; 12/28/06

Field goal percentage (20 made)
  1. .609, at Ole Miss; 02/14/07 (28-46)
  2. .600, at University of Florid; 02/13/08 (33-55)
     .600, Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06 (36-60)
  4. .585, Nicholls State; 11/17/06 (31-53)
  5. .565, Mississippi Valley State; 12/28/06 (35-62)
  6. .560, Wright State; 12/27/06 (28-50)
  7. .558, Samford; 12/29/06 (24-43)
  8. .538, Southern University; 11/30/07 (35-65)
  9. .534, at Mississippi State; 02-03-07 (31-58)
 10. .531, vs Tennessee; 03/08/07 (26-49)

3-point field goals made
  1. 12, vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07
  2. 11, vs OKLAHOMA STATE; 11-19-07
     11, Nicholls State; 11/17/06
  4. 10, at Auburn; 01-30-08
     10, McNeese State; 11/29/06
     10, Oregon State; 12/22/07
  7. 9, at University of Alabama; 02/02/08
     9, at University of Florid; 02/13/08
     9, Northwestern State; 12/15/07
     9, Wright State; 12/27/06

3-point field goals attempted
  1. 33, vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07
  2. 27, vs Texas; 12/10/06
  3. 26, Arkansas; 01/26/08
  4. 25, at Auburn; 01-30-08
     25, vs OKLAHOMA STATE; 11-19-07
  6. 24, Auburn; 01/16/08
  7. 23, at Ole Miss; 01-12-08
     23, at Tulane; 01/02/08
     23, vs Ole Miss; 03/09/07
     23, at Villanova; 12/06/07
     23, Oregon State; 12/22/07

3-point FG percentage (10 made)
  1. .579, Nicholls State; 11/17/06 (11-19)
  2. .526, McNeese State; 11/29/06 (10-19)
  3. .440, vs OKLAHOMA STATE; 11-19-07 (11-25)
  4. .435, Oregon State; 12/22/07 (10-23)
  5. .400, at Auburn; 01-30-08 (10-25)
  6. .364, vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07 (12-33)

Free throws made
  1. 23, Nicholls State; 11/17/06
     23, Northwestern State; 12/15/07
  3. 21, at University of Alabama; 02/02/08
     21, McNeese State; 11/14/07
     21, at Tulane; 12-02-06
  6. 20, Texas A&M; 12/05/06
  7. 19, vs Tennessee; 03/08/07
  8. 18, Louisiana Tech; 12/23/06
  9. 17, vs Ole Miss; 03/09/07
     17, McNeese State; 11/29/06
     17, Oregon State; 12/22/07

Free throws attempted
  1. 30, Northwestern State; 12/15/07
  2. 29, McNeese State; 11/14/07
  3. 28, at Tulane; 12-02-06
  4. 26, at Arkansas; 02-20-08
     26, Nicholls State; 11/17/06
  6. 25, vs Tennessee; 03/08/07
     25, McNeese State; 11/29/06
     25, Texas A&M; 12/05/06
     25, at Villanova; 12/06/07
 10. 24, Florida; 02/24/07
     24, Mississippi Valley State; 12/28/06

Free throw percentage (10 made)
  1. .955, at University of Alabama; 02/02/08 (21-22)
  2. .889, vs OKLAHOMA STATE; 11-19-07 (16-18)
  3. .885, Nicholls State; 11/17/06 (23-26)
  4. .875, vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07 (14-16)
  5. .842, at Vanderbilt; 1/19/08 (16-19)
  6. .833, Washington; 12/29/07 (10-12)
  7. .824, Ole Miss; 02/23/08 (14-17)
  8. .810, vs Ole Miss; 03/09/07 (17-21)
  9. .800, Texas A&M; 12/05/06 (20-25)
 10. .783, Louisiana Tech; 12/23/06 (18-23)

Most rebounds
  1. 51, Ole Miss; 02/23/08
     51, Southern University; 11/30/07
  3. 49, Nicholls State; 11/17/06
  4. 46, vs Texas; 12/10/06
  5. 45, McNeese State; 11/29/06
     45, Louisiana Tech; 12/23/06
  7. 43, at University of Alabama; 01/09/07
     43, Auburn; 01/13/07
     43, at Tulane; 12-02-06
 10. 42, Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06
     42, at Oregon State; 12/17/06

Most assists
  1. 26, Louisiana-Monroe; 11/19/06
  2. 25, Nicholls State; 11/17/06
  3. 21, Mississippi Valley State; 12/28/06
  4. 19, at University of Florid; 02/13/08
     19, Wright State; 12/27/06
  6. 18, Alabama; 01/31/07
     18, vs ARIZONA STATE; 11-21-07
     18, McNeese State; 11/29/06
     18, Southern University; 11/30/07
 10. 17, at Mississippi State; 02-03-07
     17, at Tennessee; 02/06/07
     17, Northwestern State; 12/15/07

Most steals
  1. 14, Connecticut; 01/06/07
  2. 12, at Georgia Bulldogs; 01/28/07
     12, McNeese State; 11/29/06
     12, Northwestern State; 12/15/07
  5. 11, Southeastern Louisiana; 11/12/07
     11, vs Texas; 12/10/06
  7. 10, Nicholls State; 11/17/06
     10, Mississippi Valley State; 12/28/06
  9. 9, at University of Florid; 02/13/08
     9, at Kentucky; 02/20/07
     9, McNeese State; 11/14/07
     9, at Tulane; 12-02-06

Most blocked shots
  1. 14, at Villanova; 12/06/07
  2. 12, Ole Miss; 02/23/08
  3. 11, vs CHAMINADE; 11-20-07
     11, McNeese State; 11/14/07
  5. 9, Tennessee; 02/09/08
     9, Nicholls State; 11/28/07
  7. 8, Alabama; 01/31/07
     8, vs Tennessee; 03/08/07
     8, Southeastern Louisiana; 11/12/07
     8, Wright State; 12/27/06