Game-by-Game Statistics

Team Game-by-Game
Opponent Game-by-Game
Game-by-Game Comparison
Individual Game-by-Game


Team Game-by-Game


LSU Team Game-by-Game
(as of Mar 05, 2005)
Conference games

Opponent  Date  Score  w/l  fgm-fga  pct  3fg-fga  pct  ftm-fta  pct  off  def  tot  avg  pf  ast  t/o  blk  stl  pts  avg 
at University of Alabama 01/08/04 58-73 L 20-47 .426 8-16 .500 10-13 .769 6 23 29  29.0 20 13 18 3 5 58  58.0
SOUTH CAROLINA 1/12/05 79-64 W 30-51 .588 9-19 .474 10-13 .769 10 20 30  29.5 10 18 12 0 6 79  68.5
ARKANSAS 01/19/05 66-63 Wot 22-60 .367 5-20 .250 17-20 .850 17 25 42  33.7 16 11 15 5 8 66  67.7
at Kentucky 01/22/05 58-89 L 19-57 .333 5-22 .227 15-20 .750 17 20 37  34.5 16 10 18 4 2 58  65.2
OLE MISS REBELS 01/26/05 70-60 W 22-50 .440 3-13 .231 23-30 .767 11 27 38  35.2 10 6 16 7 12 70  66.2
MISSISSIPPI STATE BULLDOGS 01/29/05 69-62 W 25-56 .446 7-19 .368 12-18 .667 10 23 33  34.8 15 18 13 7 9 69  66.7
at Georgia 02/02/05 95-79 W 30-57 .526 9-20 .450 26-32 .813 11 25 36  35.0 20 15 8 5 5 95  70.7
at Tennessee 02/05/05 55-77 L 21-55 .382 2-10 .200 11-15 .733 17 22 39  35.5 17 13 14 1 3 55  68.8
AUBURN TIGERS 02/09/05 90-69 W 33-58 .569 9-17 .529 15-20 .750 9 21 30  34.9 11 18 7 3 10 90  71.1
at Arkansas Razorbacks 02-12-05 62-65 L 22-54 .407 5-19 .263 13-23 .565 8 21 29  34.3 13 16 9 7 6 62  70.2
at Mississippi State 02-16-05 80-72 W 30-59 .508 3-15 .200 17-28 .607 7 32 39  34.7 22 16 15 5 12 80  71.1
FLORIDA GATORS 02/19/05 77-73 W 22-46 .478 4-20 .200 29-34 .853 7 21 28  34.2 17 11 9 2 4 77  71.6
ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE 02/22/05 61-59 W 21-53 .396 8-17 .471 11-21 .524 16 30 46  35.1 14 11 15 4 4 61  70.8
at Auburn 02-26-04 77-64 W 29-58 .500 6-18 .333 13-18 .722 14 25 39  35.4 12 16 12 5 12 77  71.2
at Ole Miss 03/03/05 58-53 W 17-45 .378 4-9 .444 20-28 .714 8 30 38  35.5 17 12 13 5 6 58  70.3
VANDERBILT COMMODORES 03/05/05 81-69 W 26-49 .531 8-16 .500 21-34 .618 7 27 34  35.4 13 17 10 5 7 81  71.0

LSU   1136   389-855 .455 95-270 .352 263-367 .717 175 392 567  35.4 243 221 204 68 111 1136  71.0
Opponents   1091   400-905 .442 119-316 .377 172-241 .714 150 347 497  31.1 298 191 184 46 89 1091  68.2
Games played: 16    Rebounds/game: 35.4
Points/game: 71.0    Assists/game: 13.8
FG Pct: 45.5    Turnovers/game: 12.8
3FG Pct: 35.2    Assist/turnover ratio: 1.1
FT Pct: 71.7    Steals/game: 6.9
     Blocks/game: 4.3


Opponent Game-by-Game


LSU Opponent Game-by-Game
(as of Mar 05, 2005)
Conference games

Opponent  Date  Score  w/l  fgm-fga  pct  3fg-fga  pct  ftm-fta  pct  off  def  tot  avg  pf  ast  t/o  blk  stl  pts  avg 
at University of Alabama 01/08/04 58-73 L 25-56 .446 3-16 .188 20-24 .833 9 22 31  31.0 11 9 9 4 9 73  73.0
SOUTH CAROLINA 1/12/05 79-64 W 26-52 .500 7-15 .467 5-6 .833 6 13 19  25.0 13 14 9 3 3 64  68.5
ARKANSAS 01/19/05 66-63 Wot 22-50 .440 8-17 .471 11-19 .579 7 22 29  26.3 19 14 14 2 10 63  66.7
at Kentucky 01/22/05 58-89 L 32-59 .542 11-20 .550 14-18 .778 9 23 32  27.8 18 19 9 5 8 89  72.2
OLE MISS REBELS 01/26/05 70-60 W 24-61 .393 8-22 .364 4-5 .800 11 22 33  28.8 22 15 17 0 10 60  69.8
MISSISSIPPI STATE BULLDOGS 01/29/05 69-62 W 25-55 .455 2-10 .200 10-14 .714 10 25 35  29.8 15 6 15 4 4 62  68.5
at Georgia 02/02/05 95-79 W 27-57 .474 9-21 .429 16-19 .842 8 19 27  29.4 23 11 8 1 2 79  70.0
at Tennessee 02/05/05 55-77 L 29-60 .483 9-26 .346 10-18 .556 15 20 35  30.1 17 14 7 5 8 77  70.9
AUBURN TIGERS 02/09/05 90-69 W 26-55 .473 8-23 .348 9-12 .750 10 19 29  30.0 16 16 14 1 3 69  70.7
at Arkansas Razorbacks 02-12-05 62-65 L 21-50 .420 7-17 .412 16-17 .941 9 25 34  30.4 20 10 15 4 6 65  70.1
at Mississippi State 02-16-05 80-72 W 26-65 .400 8-19 .421 12-24 .500 11 29 40  31.3 20 14 15 2 4 72  70.3
FLORIDA GATORS 02/19/05 77-73 W 27-54 .500 7-20 .350 12-15 .800 7 20 27  30.9 24 10 9 1 0 73  70.5
ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE 02/22/05 61-59 W 21-52 .404 7-19 .368 10-15 .667 4 23 27  30.6 17 8 6 4 2 59  69.6
at Auburn 02-26-04 77-64 W 22-58 .379 13-32 .406 7-8 .875 12 17 29  30.5 18 11 16 4 7 64  69.2
at Ole Miss 03/03/05 58-53 W 21-61 .344 4-15 .267 7-13 .538 14 25 39  31.1 23 10 11 4 6 53  68.1
VANDERBILT COMMODORES 03/05/05 81-69 W 26-60 .433 8-24 .333 9-14 .643 8 23 31  31.1 22 10 10 2 7 69  68.2

Opponents   1091   400-905 .442 119-316 .377 172-241 .714 150 347 497  31.1 298 191 184 46 89 1091  68.2
LSU   1136   389-855 .455 95-270 .352 263-367 .717 175 392 567  35.4 243 221 204 68 111 1136  71.0
Games played: 16    Rebounds/game: 31.1
Points/game: 68.2    Assists/game: 11.9
FG Pct: 44.2    Turnovers/game: 11.5
3FG Pct: 37.7    Assist/turnover ratio: 1.0
FT Pct: 71.4    Steals/game: 5.6
     Blocks/game: 2.9


Team Game-by-Game Comparison


LSU Team Game-by-Game Comparison
(as of Mar 05, 2005)
Conference games

Opponent  1st  2nd  Score  Mar  Total FG  FG Pct  3-Pointers  3FG Pct  F-Throws  FT Pct  Rebounds  Assist  TOver  Block  Steal  Fouls 
University of Alabama 34/35 24/38 58-73 (15) 20-47/25-56 .426/.446 8-16/3-16 .500/.188 10-13/20-24 .769/.833 29/31 (2) 13/9 18/9 3/4 5/9 20/11
SOUTH CAROLINA 39/29 40/35 79-64 +15 30-51/26-52 .588/.500 9-19/7-15 .474/.467 10-13/5-6 .769/.833 30/19 +11 18/14 12/9 0/3 6/3 10/13
ARKANSAS 30/26 28/32 66-63 +3 22-60/22-50 .367/.440 5-20/8-17 .250/.471 17-20/11-19 .850/.579 42/29 +13 11/14 15/14 5/2 8/10 16/19
Kentucky 36/49 22/40 58-89 (31) 19-57/32-59 .333/.542 5-22/11-20 .227/.550 15-20/14-18 .750/.778 37/32 +5 10/19 18/9 4/5 2/8 16/18
OLE MISS REBELS 34/36 36/24 70-60 +10 22-50/24-61 .440/.393 3-13/8-22 .231/.364 23-30/4-5 .767/.800 38/33 +5 6/15 16/17 7/0 12/10 10/22
MISSISSIPPI STATE BULLDOGS 33/30 36/32 69-62 +7 25-56/25-55 .446/.455 7-19/2-10 .368/.200 12-18/10-14 .667/.714 33/35 (2) 18/6 13/15 7/4 9/4 15/15
Georgia 50/42 45/37 95-79 +16 30-57/27-57 .526/.474 9-20/9-21 .450/.429 26-32/16-19 .813/.842 36/27 +9 15/11 8/8 5/1 5/2 20/23
Tennessee 33/40 22/37 55-77 (22) 21-55/29-60 .382/.483 2-10/9-26 .200/.346 11-15/10-18 .733/.556 39/35 +4 13/14 14/7 1/5 3/8 17/17
AUBURN TIGERS 51/34 39/35 90-69 +21 33-58/26-55 .569/.473 9-17/8-23 .529/.348 15-20/9-12 .750/.750 30/29 +1 18/16 7/14 3/1 10/3 11/16
Arkansas Razorbacks 32/41 30/24 62-65 (3) 22-54/21-50 .407/.420 5-19/7-17 .263/.412 13-23/16-17 .565/.941 29/34 (5) 16/10 9/15 7/4 6/6 13/20
Mississippi State 41/37 39/35 80-72 +8 30-59/26-65 .508/.400 3-15/8-19 .200/.421 17-28/12-24 .607/.500 39/40 (1) 16/14 15/15 5/2 12/4 22/20
FLORIDA GATORS 38/32 39/41 77-73 +4 22-46/27-54 .478/.500 4-20/7-20 .200/.350 29-34/12-15 .853/.800 28/27 +1 11/10 9/9 2/1 4/0 17/24
ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE 30/28 31/31 61-59 +2 21-53/21-52 .396/.404 8-17/7-19 .471/.368 11-21/10-15 .524/.667 46/27 +19 11/8 15/6 4/4 4/2 14/17
Auburn 28/34 49/30 77-64 +13 29-58/22-58 .500/.379 6-18/13-32 .333/.406 13-18/7-8 .722/.875 39/29 +10 16/11 12/16 5/4 12/7 12/18
Ole Miss 27/27 31/26 58-53 +5 17-45/21-61 .378/.344 4-9/4-15 .444/.267 20-28/7-13 .714/.538 38/39 (1) 12/10 13/11 5/4 6/6 17/23
VANDERBILT COMMODORES 36/20 45/49 81-69 +12 26-49/26-60 .531/.433 8-16/8-24 .500/.333 21-34/9-14 .618/.643 34/31 +3 17/10 10/10 5/2 7/7 13/22
Note: Game totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category


Game-by-Game Points-Rebounds-Assists


LSU Game-by-Game Points-Rebounds-Assists
(as of Mar 05, 2005)
Conference games

        02  03  11  22  30  32  34 
at University of Alabam 01/08/04 58-73 L 11-2-0 9-5-5 DNP 4-2-5 10-4-1 DNP 13-7-1
SOUTH CAROLINA 1/12/05 79-64 W 18-1-4 7-2-6 DNP 0-1-4 12-5-3 0-0-0 28-14-0
ARKANSAS 01/19/05 66-63 WO 7-2-1 4-2-6 DNP 5-2-0 15-8-0 DNP 26-18-1
at Kentucky 01/22/05 58-89 L 10-4-4 5-1-3 DNP 2-2-0 14-10-1 0-0-0 9-12-0
OLE MISS REBELS 01/26/05 70-60 W 16-3-1 12-3-2 DNP 2-2-1 14-11-0 DNP 13-10-1
MISSISSIPPI STATE BULLD 01/29/05 69-62 W 20-3-7 2-2-3 0-0-0 7-0-1 26-11-1 0-0-0 3-8-4
at Georgia 02/02/05 95-79 W 17-3-3 13-8-7 DNP 0-1-1 21-6-1 0-0-0 12-11-2
at Tennessee 02/05/05 55-77 L 4-3-2 4-6-3 DNP 0-1-1 12-6-0 DNP 17-13-1
AUBURN TIGERS 02/09/05 90-69 W 17-3-4 17-4-6 DNP 5-0-1 15-6-1 0-0-0 12-5-3
at Arkansas Razorbacks 02-12-05 62-65 L 12-1-1 14-3-1 DNP 0-2-6 14-7-1 DNP 11-7-2
at Mississippi State 02-16-05 80-72 W 8-1-2 11-5-7 DNP 2-0-2 21-17-1 DNP 19-9-1
FLORIDA GATORS 02/19/05 77-73 W 15-3-2 6-2-3 DNP 0-2-5 27-5-0 DNP 11-8-0
ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE 02/22/05 61-59 W 13-5-2 16-10-5 DNP 0-0-1 15-9-0 DNP 11-13-1
at Auburn 02-26-04 77-64 W 13-6-7 12-1-1 DNP 4-3-5 22-8-0 0-0-0 17-7-2
at Ole Miss 03/03/05 58-53 W 16-4-1 9-7-4 DNP 1-2-1 13-10-1 DNP 8-8-1
VANDERBILT COMMODORES 03/05/05 81-69 W 16-2-6 4-4-0 DNP 3-3-5 20-14-3 DNP 13-5-1

        35  41  42 
Opponent  Date  Score  WL  LAZARE,DA  NELTNER,R  HUDSON,AN 
at University of Alabam 01/08/04 58-73 L 0-0-0 0-2-1 11-1-0
SOUTH CAROLINA 1/12/05 79-64 W 0-0-0 3-4-0 11-2-1
ARKANSAS 01/19/05 66-63 WO 0-1-0 0-1-0 9-2-3
at Kentucky 01/22/05 58-89 L 0-0-0 7-2-0 11-5-2
OLE MISS REBELS 01/26/05 70-60 W DNP 3-3-1 10-6-0
MISSISSIPPI STATE BULLD 01/29/05 69-62 W 2-0-0 6-6-0 3-2-2
at Georgia 02/02/05 95-79 W 4-1-0 2-2-0 26-1-1
at Tennessee 02/05/05 55-77 L 0-1-0 5-4-3 13-3-3
AUBURN TIGERS 02/09/05 90-69 W 9-3-0 0-3-0 15-4-3
at Arkansas Razorbacks 02-12-05 62-65 L 2-0-0 0-0-0 9-3-5
at Mississippi State 02-16-05 80-72 W 2-1-0 6-2-1 11-2-2
FLORIDA GATORS 02/19/05 77-73 W DNP 2-2-0 16-3-1
ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE 02/22/05 61-59 W DNP 5-5-1 1-2-1
at Auburn 02-26-04 77-64 W 0-0-0 5-7-0 4-5-1
at Ole Miss 03/03/05 58-53 W 0-1-0 2-1-2 9-4-2
VANDERBILT COMMODORES 03/05/05 81-69 W DNP 0-1-1 25-3-1


Individual Game-by-Game


LSU Individual Game-by-Game
(as of Mar 05, 2005)
Conference games

#02 Mitchell, Darrel
#03 Minor, Tack
#11 Maravich, Josh
#22 Whipple, Xavier
#30 Bass, Brandon
#32 Wolfert, Paul
#34 Davis, Glen
#35 Lazare, Darnell
#41 Neltner, Ross
#42 Hudson, Antonio